Dr Donna M velliaris Edufolio
A successful and qualified educator with extensive practice across all sectors. Since 1995, my South Australian Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) secondary teacher license has remained valid with the highest rating (3/3), and a total of 12 officially recognised subjects/skills.
AU12 Asian Studies
AX12 Australian Studies
DA12 Dance
EG12 English
HS12 History
JA12 Japanese
LY12 Literacy
MC12 Multiculturalism
MS12 Middle Schooling
NS12 Non-English Speaking Background
SV10 Society & Environment
TL10 English as a Second Language
Passionate about reading and writing, I am a highly respected editor of several tertiary-level publications, namely: (1) Handbook of research on study abroad programs and outbound mobility; (2) Handbook of research on academic misconduct in higher education; (3) Study abroad contexts for enhanced foreign language learning; (4) Prevention and detection of academic misconduct in higher education; (5) Handbook of research on international academic mobility programs and experiences; and (6) Academic language and learning support services in higher education.
I am co/author of almost 40 book chapters published. Chapter titles include: Academic reflections: Disciplinary acculturation and the first-year pathway experience in Australia [Garnet]; Conceptualizing four ecological influences on contemporary ‘Third Culture Kids’ [Palgrave Macmillan]; Culturally responsive pathway pedagogues: Respecting the intricacies of student diversity in the classroom [IGI Global]; The other side of the student story: Listening to the voice of the parent [Sense]; and Metaphors for transnational students: A moving experience [Cambridge Scholars]. I frequently presents scholarly work at international higher education conferences on for example: academic acculturation; academic literacies; cultural diversity; EAP/ESP; English as an international language; global Englishes; international students; misconduct; plagiarism/patchwork writing; second-language acquisition; the ‘first-year’ experience; transnational higher education; and writing centres. My primary research interests include:
Academic Acculturation
Academic Integrity
Epstein’s ‘Overlapping Spheres of Influence’
Humanistic Sociology
Intercultural Communication
Schools as Cultural Systems
Teaching in Higher Education
Teaching Quality & PD
Transnational Education
Writing Centre Theory & Praxis
I bring lesson content to life, making sessions enjoyable, purposeful, practical and most importantly, memorable; having an impact, moulding minds, establishing good habits, and creating a learning environment in which students feel respected, supported, and valued by everyone in the community. Moreover, I consistently serve as a role model by committing myself to personal and professional growth.