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[Name] English is limited by his vocabulary, but he is progressively improving. Broadening his vocabulary will better enable him to cope in a variety of contexts. He ought to practice using the words he knows in an appropriate and natural way. Listening is an area in which he is not yet confident, and he must try to make progress in order to maximize his ability. [Name], however, understands basic classroom instructions and must now pay attention to the finer details.


[Name] has made a number of positive gains in his English-language acquisition so far this school year. He is learning to work independently—without interrupting his peers—and more homework assignments have been completed than in the past. Although remaining on task for extended periods of time can be difficult for him, a positive change in attitude and a desire to improve are evident. [Name] is encouraged to continue to use ‘talk’ to extend his learning and would benefit from greater exposure to English-speaking peers.


[Name] has made a number of positive gains in his English-language learning skills so far this school year. He is learning to work independently—without interrupting his peers—and more homework assignments have been completed than in the past. He speaks with a moderate level of accuracy and now needs to work on communicating with greater fluency. He should also pay close attention to pronunciation when learning vocabulary. Although [Name] still needs to learn to project his voice when speaking, his ability to communicate has clearly advanced.


[Name] is encouraged to continue working on his perseverance, so that he requires less prompting and reinforcement to complete homework tasks in particular. Inconsistent homework completion remains a concern and a hindrance to his learning. Although he has an optimistic outlook on the varied activities we do in the classroom, he requires reminders to stay focused. A greater degree of concentration in class and more unfailing work habits would help advance [Name] overall academic achievement in this subject.


[Name] has developed a fair-sized vocabulary for this level and he understands quite well how to deploy words naturally and accurately. He has been an active member of the class and has worked moderately hard in lesson periods. He completes homework to a satisfactory standard and has made helpful contributions to class discussions and activities. [Name] is encouraged to be more attentive during instructional periods in order to fully grasp important information and specific details.


[Name] has generally been making good progress in learning English. He often lets other group members take responsibility for shared problem solving activities, and needs to actively participate with classmates when asked to achieve common goals. He could also work towards expanding on what he already knows and applying that new information to given tasks. In more formal class discussions about topics being studied, however, [Name] needs to ask clarifying questions if he does not understand something.


[Name] can follow direct instructions, work without supervision, and oftentimes completes assigned tasks during lesson time. As she writes more, she will become increasingly confident in word choice and sentence structure. At present, she plans her writing carefully and will continue to benefit from feedback received in the writing process. [Name] needs to be commended for working quietly and diligently, which contributed to her pleasing progress in the first-quarter of this school year.


[Name] is encouraged to focus on handing in high quality work and participating more actively during classroom discussions and instructional periods. If [Name] is to achieve her academic potential, assigned tasks need to be completed to the best of her ability, instead of being satisfied with the minimum and/or fastest route to completion. She is encouraged to connect ideas she has read to the world around her and to her personal experiences. Diligent work habits and exemplary behavior have contributed to her high achievement in this subject over the first-quarter.


[Name] attendance has been sporadic so far this school year. As such, it has been difficult for her to adjust to the expectations of this course. Her interest and enthusiasm for learning seems to fluctuate from day-to-day. She is encouraged to combine a positive and responsible attitude with diligent effort and commitment during lesson time. Positively, her handwriting is beautiful. For [Name] to advance, greater responsibility for her own learning by way of an independent work ethic is fundamental.


[Name] has demonstrated an increasing ability to read and understand simple sentences and brief passages in a variety of print media at a level that is appropriate for her developing English-language skills. She is encouraged to connect ideas she has learned to the world around her and to her personal experiences. Diligent work habits and exemplary behavior have contributed to [Name] outstanding achievement in this subject so far this school year.


[Name] participates in class, willingly answering questions and offering suggestions; however, limited ability to concentrate and stay on topic make clear communication difficult. He is encouraged to make a conscious effort to speak at a slower pace, focusing on clear and accurate enunciation of words. A greater degree of focus in class and more consistent work habits would help [Name] to improve his academic achievement in this course.


[Name] has experienced difficulty in adjusting to the expectations of this course. She needs to improve her level of commitment and concentration during lesson time. She is attempting to display a more cooperative approach to her work and classmates, but in order to be successful, she is encouraged to combine a positive, responsible attitude with diligent effort. [Name] interest and enthusiasm for learning seems to fluctuate day-to-day. To improve, greater responsibility for her own learning and an independent work ethic is fundamental.


I have enjoyed getting to know [Name] and feel pleased with his positive start to the academic year. Repeated reading exercises, regular study of words, word patterns, and teacher-assisted reading are helping him make tangible progress in reading fluency. He is encouraged to continue using a variety of strategies (identifying word families, using context clues and sounding out words) to improve his decoding skills. Diligent work habits and exemplary behavior have contributed to [Name] achievement in this subject over the first-semester.


[Name] is encouraged to continue using a variety of strategies----identifying word families, using context clues and sounding out words----in order to improve his decoding skills. Regular reading for interest will likely help in this area. Spoken words are still difficult to hear, and somewhat inaudible. [Name] needs to make a conscious effort to speak at a slower pace, and to focus on clear and accurate enunciation of words during conversation/communication with others.


[Name] has become increasingly talkative and interactive over the first-quarter of the school year. Work is needed in the use of spelling patterns and word sound cues to help make meaning from the many and varied texts utilized in lesson time. Daily reading at home, phonics, and repeated reading exercises are recommended to help her gain even greater confidence and advance her communicative skills. Admirably, [Name] consistently exhibits great effort and an exemplary attitude to her learning in this course.​


In Semester 1, [Name] was challenged to think about, analyze, and discuss ethical dilemmas. Over our time together, we focused on the documentary ‘Human’ (personal ethics) and the classic dystopian film ‘Gattaca’ (professional ethics) to help facilitate intellectual dialogue and reflection, and to better understand the experiences of others whose reality may be very different. [Name] regularly participates in class discussions in a way that is respectful of others and that demonstrates awareness of the ideas being discussed. She is encouraged to continue to use talk to extend her learning and will benefit from more exposure to varying points of view. Her assigned essay and oral presentation were both of a pleasing standard. I enjoyed having [Name] in my class.


In Semester 1, [Name] was motivated to learn about two ‘Great Religious Leaders’, namely Moses (Judaism) and Jesus (Christianity). In Grade 5, this overarching theme is intended to enable pupils to think about who/what influences and inspires their and others’ lives. [Name] is continuing to develop skills of asking and responding to questions of meaning, purpose and truth, as well as skills of asking and responding to questions of values and commitment. She is an active listener who has undertaken all activities with pleasing focus. Significantly, she has sought additional information about lesson topics that have piqued her interest. I look forward to working with [Name] again in Semester 2.


Grade 6 Values Education is centered around the study of world religions giving students insight into different philosophies, mythologies, moral systems, and ritual practices. In Semester 1, the class focused on Hinduism (polytheism) and Sikhism (monotheism). [Name] is acquiring a sense of what it is like to belong to a particular religion and how that influences the way followers of that religion understand the world, act in it, and relate to others. She demonstrates a genuine concern for learning and approaches given tasks with a sincere desire to succeed.


Grade 7 Values Education is centered around the study of world religions through stories (symbolic narratives) that give insight into different philosophies, mythologies, moral systems, and ritual practices. In Semester 1, the class focused on Islam (Life of Muhammad) and Buddhism (Pebble for Your Pocket). [Name] is acquiring a sense of what it is like to belong to a particular religion and how that influences the way followers of that religion understand the world, act in it, and relate to others. [Name] carefully follows classroom routines and instructions, accepts responsibility for completing tasks on time and with care, and displays a positive attitude toward learning.


Personal Education develops the skills, values, and attitudes that enable students to better lead healthy and fulfilled lives, make informed decisions, and respond to local and global challenges. Middle school classes deal with similar themes but at different, developmentally-appropriate levels, using educational videos, digital technologies, and discussing real-world situations. Grade 7 topics covered in Semester 1 included: 8-dimensions of wellness; positive affirmations; male and female reproductive systems; and protective behaviors. [Name] takes a keen interest in all subject matters and is a most agreeable and willing worker.


Personal Education develops the skills, values, and attitudes that enable students to better lead healthy and fulfilled lives, make informed decisions, and respond to local and global challenges. Middle school classes deal with similar themes but at different, developmentally-appropriate levels, using educational videos, digital technologies, and discussing real-world situations. Grade 8 topics covered in Semester 1 included: body language; positive affirmations; mindful meditation; and unhealthy relationships. After watching a series of short videos centered around bullying, [Name] presented an extensive and thoughtful reflective journal tracing her feelings/opinions related to those film. In Semester 2, [Name] is encouraged to show confidence in her ability to communicate ideas in class discussions.


Peace Studies aspires to enable students to become responsible citizens who are open to differences, capable of empathy and solidarity—both within and across borders and social groups—and who can deconstruct the foundations of violence and take action to advance the prospects of peace. In Semester 1, the course included many and varied ‘types’ of conflict including: functional/dysfunctional; intra/interpersonal; intra/intergroup; and internal/external. [Name] major essay focused on ‘Child Marriage’ required greater attention to detail. On the contrast, her final oral presentation on a ‘Historic Battle’ was well executed. I enjoyed having [Name] in my class.


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